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Words by King Povenmire - Olde English folk tune
There dwelt a farmer near Aberdeen, With a how-down bow-down
There dwelt a farmer near Aberdeen, And he built himself a flying machine.
I’ll be true to my love if my love will be true to me.As he prepared for the maiden flight, With a how-down bow-down
As he prepared for the maiden flight, his poor little wife was all a-fright.
I’ll be true to my love if my love will be true to me.Oh Johnnie my darling please do not go With a how-down bow-down
Oh Johnnie my darling please do not go And leave me here with five children below.
I’ll be true to my love if my love will be true to me.Oh Molly my dearest do not despair, With a how-down bow-down
Oh Molly my dearest do not despair, For I know my destiny’s up in the air.
I’ll be true to my love if my love will be true to me.He then stretched out a long white cord, With a how-down bow-down
He then stretched out a long white cord. He cut it loose and up he soared.
I’ll be true to my love if my love will be true to me.He found a thermal strong and true, With a how-down bow-down
He found a thermal strong and true. He circled and circled and off he flew.
I’ll be true to my love if my love will be true to me.The neighbors came and the parson too, With a how-down bow-down
The neighbors came and the parson too, In time to watch him sail out of view.
I’ll be true to my love if my love will be true to me.They wept and they mourned a soulful tune, With a how-down bow-down
They wept and they mourned a soulful tune, And frittered away the afternoon.
I’ll be true to my love if my love will be true to me.Just as the sun was sinking low, With a how-down bow-down
Just as the sun was sinking low He landed there in the field below.
I’ll be true to my love if my love will be true to me.Then quickly they hurried to his side, With a how-down bow-down
Then quickly they hurried to his side, his dear little wife was filled with pride.
I’ll be true to my love if my love will be true to me.The farmer lived out his life in fame, With a how-down bow-down
The farmer lived out his life in fame for airport near Aberdeen bears his name .
I’ll be true to my love if my love will be true to me.